Wednesday, September 8, 2010

If I Had One Hundred Dollars...

  If I had one hundred dollars I would split it up amongst my two brothers. They deserve the money more than anyone in my life right now. My youngest brother, even though he is still every young, he is by far the smartest kid you'll ever meet, he is the unique genius. He doesn't care about what anyone thinks, and definitely marches to the beat of his own drum. He knows a few facts about any topic you could possibly think of, however the topic he is most knowledgeable about is animals. I would trust his judgement, and have faith that he would spend his half of the money on something valuable. Nonetheless it would be a huge disappointment if he were to spend the money on video games. My older brother is somewhat similar, knowing a few facts about any topic. My oldest brother is somewhat of "the all-American" guy. His athletic ability is outrageously great, and he always makes sure he does good in school. He received a scholarship for college. In ways, I envy him, and my youngest brother for their unlimited knowledge level,and great sense of humor. However there is no one present in my life who deserves the money more than them. I would have the greatest amount of hope that they would spend the money on something that will in some way enhance their futures.

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