Sunday, October 24, 2010


Obesity is not only an issue with your physical health, but also your mental health. It is hard enough to battle with your health, but to deal with your mental health is even harder.
    Someone diagnosed as obese has a lot to deal with physically and mentally, especially if they are under the age of twenty one.  It is especially difficult on those who are younger, because it becomes unavoidable when children tease them, or pick them lastly to participate in physical activities, when they attend school. Several people fail to realize being obese is not a selected lifestyle, meaning people who are obese do not choose to be obese, nor do they enjoy being obese.
  Society also looks down on those who are overweight in general. People who look down on overweight or obese people have the same common assumptions about that person which is, they are lazy and pathetic. I do not feel as if anyone even if they are skinny, short, tall overweight, nice, or mean, have any right to look down on anyone. It is not anyone’s place in society to judge someone based off of their, physical appearance. Obese men, and women have to deal with society installed list of stereotypes about the way they look on a daily basis. They have to deal with the awkward silences that they are greeted with when they enter a room, or the dirty stares they receive while walking down the street. Dealing with this on a daily basis is extremely difficult, and it can begin to take a toll on someone’s self esteem.
       I believe that obese men and women receive a certain amount of discrimination. Obese people get teased about their physical appearance, whether it’s behind their back, or to their faces. Also certain jobs will discriminate against an obese person simply because he or she doesn’t fit into society’s image of health, and beauty. I feel that being obese is challenging, but if obese people felt like they had a support group, or didn’t have society there to beat them down every day, they wouldn’t battle with  low self esteem, they would feel encouraged to lose the weight, or at least be comfortable with who they are.

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