Taking test can be extremely stressful, especially test that truly affect your future. The most important thing to remember when taking a test is not to panic. We as seniors in high school are required to take, and pass a college admissions test.
Preparing yourself to take this test can be just as stressful as taking the actual test. The common misconception about taking test such as the college admission test, is that you do not have to study for it. There is no test that you do not have to study for, or properly prepare yourself for. With this wise knowledge, you also have to get a good nights rest the night before the big test. Students take this rule for granted. Without a good nights rest students have a higher chance, in dosing off during the test, or not fully paying attention, or even not being alert during the test, rather than a student who actually got a good nights sleep. I, for one, become extremely nervous when taking test; however I always take in three deep breaths before I take any test, simply to relax my nerves. When you take any test you have to believe that you are going to do well, and that you will do your best, if you enter the testing room with a bad perspective on how your test will go, you most likely will not do as good as you could on the test.
Last but not least eating a healthy, but filling meal before taking your test is always recommended. When you eat a healthy, and well balanced meal, you are supplied with the energy that is required to complete your test successfully.
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