I am the owner of two dogs, and I truly love dogs more than cats. Although I am allergic to cats, even if I were not allergic to them I still would not want them as a pet. I believe that dogs are better than cats because dogs love easily as long as you treat them right and you feed them they will continue to be loyal to you. However cats on the other hand scratch and bite for no reason and cats are sneaky and vicious. When cats feel threatened and attack they lock on to a person’s face, leg or even back, and they dig their unforgiving claws into their victims innocent flesh and do not release until they feel like it. however when dogs feel threatened they give a warning through a alerting growl, but if their victim does not take the unwanted hint, the dog will bite but that’s as far as most dogs go, and you have to do a lot to make a dog angry unless he was raised to be a watch dog. Dogs love easily and they love for a long time, where as a cat only loves their owner until their owner has earned their cats trust. I also believe that cats are not suitable for young children because children like to play around and when cats do not want to play they can become somewhat moody, however when a dog does not want to play he or she is still in a good mood, and at least will still allow the children to play with his ears and rub his welcoming and heartwarming belly.
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