The beauty of being outdoors isn’t fully appreciated by those who are not exposed to nature. Spending time outdoors truly allows a person to spiritually become centered and appreciate nature. I feel that becoming one with nature helps you become one with yourself.
People, who live in urban cities, miss out on life’s innocent beauty. The untouched beauty that is held outside of the city, which we know as nature, isn’t appreciated by people who live in large cities. People who live close to nature wake up from the long lasting bird songs and the whistling of the wild winds. However when you live in urban areas, deep within the city, you wake up to honking noises, from angry people in cars during the everlasting traffic jams, trains and buses coming and going, and garbage trucks ruining a working persons last five minutes of sleep. When someone glances outside of their windows in the city, they are greeted with blue, green, red, brown, white, and black cars that pollute the blue skies, and turn them into gray skies. Unfortunately during the night hour in the city, you will almost never be graced with the beauty of the midnight skies, and the forever glowing stars.
Nature has a distinct smell. The smell is warm, and embracing it somewhat smells like fresh air filled with curiosity and innocence, blooming flowers, and wildly growing grass. A great experience is achieved when one truly makes a connection with nature. As a kid I use to go camping with my family and friends. When I was outdoors camping, sleeping under the midnight sky and looking up at all the stars illuminating the sky like diamond on a newly engaged woman’s finger, I felt nothing but peace. However it was hard to sleep inside the tent because the ground was so hard, but when I arose to meet with nature once again in the morning, the hard nights were worth it.
Your writing is so vivid in your description of outdoor living. You seem to truly have a passion for the outdoors and it shows through your response to the prompt.